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Weekend Worship Review #5

Weekend Worship Review #5

Sunday marked the second week of our All Out War series! I'm gonna keep this post brief because it's a crazy busy week for me. Gimme 5: Yesterday we played Gimme 5. This is one of our students favorite challenges! We have all the students grouped at tables during our...

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Weekend Worship Review #3

Weekend Worship Review #3

Yesterday we wrapped up our 4 week series "How To Annoy Your Family." I preached on making good choices from Psalm 1. We showed some hilarious videos, and had a student testimony about how God is teaching their family through adoption. A Helpful Piece of Software: A...

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Weekend Worship Review #2

Weekend Worship Review #2

This past Sunday marked week 3 of our series, "How To Annoy Your Family". It's a Doug Fields/Simply Youth Ministry series on family relationships. What Worked: For the past weeks we have had students on stage for interview style testimonies. We set up black leather...

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Weekend Worship Review #1

Weekend Worship Review #1

Ok, I am totally ripping off Josh Griffin here! Just about every week Josh offers a weekend review of their youth services on his amazing blog, More Than Dodgeball. I check out his stuff all the time. In fact you will see some of it reproduced frequently if you came...

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Avengers Movie Discussion Questions

Avengers Movie Discussion Questions

I loved the movie Avengers, I think it might be my favorite super hero movie of all time.  So I was pretty excited to find this great discussion guide over on The Source for Youth Ministry.  The main point of the lesson is about team work to be a force for God's...

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Sticky Faith Deal on E-books

Sticky Faith Deal on E-books

I don't know if you've read the Sticky Faith books, but they are some of the best ministry books I've read during the last year.  Based on the research by Fuller Youth Institute, authors Kara Powell, Chap Clark and Brad Griffin have really reshaped my thinking about...

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Planning Center: Worship Planning Made Simple

If you plan a weekly worship service then you will want to check out Planning Center! It's a worship planning, volunteer scheduling, media repository, emailing, texting machine! Here's a quick video overview: [youtube...

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DSLR Video: Who I Follow

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I have been diving into DSLR video over the past few months. The DSLR Camera has, as Philip Bloom described, "democratized cinematography." What he means is that the affordability of DSLR cameras has made cinema quality video...

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