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SNL: Zoom Church

SNL: Zoom Church

Here's a little fun for your Friday. After 8 weeks of zoom life groups and game nights, it's scary how close to reality this is. https://youtu.be/AYP1mXqiwqc Muting, echos, back ground noise, people talking when they are muted...they nailed it. How are you surviving...

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Social Media Exodus for Passover

Though I am not using this at our Passover Seder, I couldn't resist sharing it here.  Those who were a fan of the digital story of the nativity will love this.  I am definitely using this the next time we talk about the exodus!

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Set World Records at Your Next Event

I was watching some podcast Brian Brushwood was on when I first discovered RecordSetter.com  This is a online, user-generated world record site.  (I almost feel foolish writing anything else because I know your brains are already spinning on this one.)  It's easy....

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Quick Tip: Unhiding the Friends Facebook Secretly Hid

Facebook is a great tool for ministry.  Outside of going to school campuses, there are very few places a youth minister can go outside of the church and interact with more students.  However, Facebook added a setting which they made default that is proabably hindering...

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Quick Tip: Laboring with Technology

It's been a while since I have posted here because I was a youth minister who was having a baby in the middle of the already full-throttle state that is a youth ministry in summer.  This being our third child and me being a geek, I thought with my first post back, I...

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Credit Card Payments Everywhere with Square

Credit Card Payments Everywhere with Square

Every time we have been gearing up for some fundraiser or another, I think (at the last minute), "It sure would be convenient if we could take credit card donations/payments easily. A couple weeks later I have the same thought about registrations for camp. Each time I...

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Heaven and Hell Through Google Books

Heaven and Hell Through Google Books

  I recently discovered this interesting Google Labs project called Google Ngram Viewier that piggy backs on the data Google is collecting via Google books.  You probably already know that Google books is is not only adding new texts, but scanning (and OCRing)...

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Is the iPad 2 a ministry expense?

Is the iPad 2 a ministry expense?

Yesterday Apple announced the second version of their game-changing iPad product.  It is another product for us to drool over and desire, but the question most (usually under paid) youth pastors are asking right now is can I justify this as a "ministry expense."  To...

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