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The Digital Age is Coming to NYWC

The Digital Age is Coming to NYWC

I'm super excited we are having these guys at NYWC this year.  I can't wait to see how they reinvent themselves now that the David Crowder Band has come to an end. They are also leading worship for planetwisdom this year also. I hope to see you at NYWC this fall, it's...

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FREE Ebook – Living with Questions

FREE Ebook – Living with Questions

The Youth Specialties book Living with Questions is a free ebook right now. You can get it on Amazon or iBooks. Publisher Description: A practical and personal approach to apologeticsfor students. How many times has your teacher asked you a question, and you stare...

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Awesome NYWC Special and 29% Off Resouces! Limited Time!

Over at Youth Specialties, we've been celebrating Leap Year.  Needless to say it's kept me pretty busy, but i wanted to let everyone know so you can take advantage of some of the great deals going on. First: NYWC 2012 tickets for only $209 with $50 deposit.  Spaces...

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Doug Fields at YSpalooza Live Blog

This is my first YS! Palooza, and I am stoked to be here. I live 1.5 miles from the venue so it was super convenient. The price is right and, who doesn't need a day or two to refresh the youth ministry batteries? Here is a running blog of Doug Fields' message to us...

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10 Favorites from 2011

10 Favorites from 2011

Here are some of my favorites from 2011: 1. MacBook Air - I love this little computer.  Great for travel, and super fast. 2. Sticky Faith - These books have really made me think a lot about youth ministry and being a parent.  I highly recommend them. Plus check out...

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A New Adventure…Again

A New Adventure…Again

I started a new adventure this week.  After 4 great years at Simply Youth Ministry, I've returned to Youth Specialties.  I'm super excited about the opportunity.  When I was serving in a church as a paid youth worker, I used their resources all the time and recieved...

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