
The hub for all things Apple
Apple Event Sept 2016

Apple Event Sept 2016

I know many youth workers out there love their Apple toys, and I'm one of them. Apple held their iPhone event today in San Fransico and they put out a great video summarizing what they announced. I found a few items that may be of note for...

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Mac OS X Yosemite Now Available

Mac OS X Yosemite Now Available

All you Mac users out there you can now update to the latest version of OS X.  Just like the last few Apple is making this available for free. Go to the Mac App Store to download it. I've been running the beta and I've really enjoyed some of the changes and updates....

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Free Mac App Software Bundle

Free Mac App Software Bundle

For all my Mac using friends out there, I wanted to let you know about a great bundle of FREE software that will only be available for a few more days.  There's a ton of bundles out there, but this one included one in particular that I thought could be fun for Youth...

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Have you ever gotten a new Mac or needed to install a new hard drive and was starting from scratch with software installs? I recently heard about this great we site that will make it easier. allows you to select from a list of apps and then it will...

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iPad 3 First Few Days

iPad 3 First Few Days

Should you buy the new iPad? Well, I was very lucky that a church member wanted to buy 4 staff members at our church the newest edition. After a few days playing around on it I want to make a few comments on why you need an iPad even if you have an iPhone. 1. There...

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10 Favorites from 2011

10 Favorites from 2011

Here are some of my favorites from 2011: 1. MacBook Air - I love this little computer.  Great for travel, and super fast. 2. Sticky Faith - These books have really made me think a lot about youth ministry and being a parent.  I highly recommend them. Plus check out...

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5 Tech Toys I got for Christmas

1. BookBook for iPhone - I love BookBook for iPad (Read about it HERE) so I had to check it out for iPhone.  I am use to slipping ONLY my iPhone in my pocket so this feels a little bulky but I really like it! If you have $59.99 for a case check it out...

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