Youth Ministry Podcasts

Media | Resources
July 12, 2019

Are you a podcast listener? I am every chance I get. You can pick any niche you are into and find great shows to learn from and be entertained. I listen to a lot of different types, but for this post, let’s focus on youth ministry. There have been several youth ministry podcasts that have come and gone over the years. I think the longest-running one is the DYM Podcast (although it has had a few different names in it’s run). I even helped produce about 100 of the episodes in its early days.

Today there are more youth ministry podcasts than ever. The DYM Podcast has now grown into a whole network: DYM Podcast Network. Some of my favorites (in addition to the DYM Podcast) are Youth Ministry Hacks and 15 Minutes with Frank.

Recently I saw a new youth ministry podcast network launched, the Youth Ministry Podcast Network. I listen to Controlled Chaos, my favorite jr high ministry show, and they are a part of it. I haven’t had a chance to check out the others, but plan to soon.

With so many choices now, what are your favorites?


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