Free Francis Chan Audio Book

July 3, 2009


I saw this from a number of twitter folks today (@jimclark I think you were the first), but the site is giving away the Fancis Chan audio book “Crazy Love“.  I read it, and it’s great.  I can’t wait to listen to it as well.  Here’s a quote:

“Sometimes I feel like when I make decisions that are remotely biblical, people who call themselves Christians are the first to criticize and say I’m crazy, that I’m taking the Bible too literally, or that I’m not thinking about my family’s well-being. . . When people gladly sacrifice their time or comfort or home, it is obvious that they trust in the promises of God. Why is it that the story of someone who has actually done what Jesus commands resonates deeply with us, but we then assume we could never do anything so radical or intense? Or why do we call it radical when, to Jesus, it is simply the way it is? The way it should be?”

It looks like it will be available all month.

Link: Free Download



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