Last weekend was the Simply Youth Ministry Conference, and there was lots of great training. One of the speakers, Tim Schmoyer videoed his seminar on Communicating Youth Group News with Teens and Parents and dropped it on YouTube. You can watch it here (it was really...
Update Twitter, Facebook and Myspace with one click!
I have to say that of all the tools I have found, dulls the pain of updating mutiple social networking sites better than anything else. If you have friends and students split between twitter, myspace and facebook, the chore of updating statuses and tweets...
No Facebook for Lent?
I don't know how many of you out there participate in giving something up for lent, but if you are, how about Facebook. Really, that's just what a WallStreet Journal Report is talking about. Here's a bit of it: Ms. Wentland, who is 38, recently got in touch with a...
Facebook Turns 5
Everyone's favorite social network turns 5 years old today. It's come a long way the past few years, a lot of people never thought it could catch up to the mighty MySpace. In order to celebrate FaceBook has added a special free gift in their gift shop to give to...