QuickTip: Know Everything with Monkeysee

Featured | Resources | Web
September 11, 2010

Youth ministries have a bad reputation for being underfunded and understaffed because they often are.  That probably translates into you needing to do everything from fix the hole in the wall that happened during a wild game of pin the pool stick on the Jr Higher last week to installing a new hard drive in the Pentium II youth machine.  If you don’t know how to do everything, you will at some point need to use MonkeySee.

MonkeySee is an online repository of free how-to videos that range from how to select home theatre system speakers to how to apply a french manicure tip.  So, next time you have to install a new dishwasher after trying to clean the uncleanable after a youth event, go to MonkeySee.com.


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